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Name Post Appointed Expiry
Colin Barling Foundation Governor
Appointed by foundation/Trust
05/12/2024 04/12/2028

Andrew Button

Co-opted Governor
Appointed by the GB

05/12/2024 04/12/2028
Peter Challans Foundation Governor
Appointed by foundation/Trust
05/12/2024 04/12/2028
Jeff Clements Co-opted Governor
Appointed by the GB
20/03/2025 19/03/2029
Andy Davy Co-opted Governor
Appointed by the GB
20/03/2025 19/03/2029
Eloise Donaghay-Spire
Parent Governor
Elected by parents
05/12/2024 04/12/2028
Rose Durban Chair / Co-opted Governor
Appointed by the GB
05/12/2024 04/12/2028
Vicky Dyer Co-opted Governor
Appointed by GB
05/12/2024 04/12/2028
Emma Herbert Staff Governor
Elected by school staff
05/12/2024 04/12/2028
Chrissie Johnston Local Authority Governor
Appointed by LA
05/12/2024 04/12/2028
Kirsty Parsons

Parent Governor
Elected by parents

28/01/2025 27/01/2029
Paul Redstone Co-opted Governor
Appointed by GB
05/12/2024 04/12/2028
Lison Smart Headteacher - Peasmarsh
Ex-officio by virtue of office as headteacher/principal
05/12/2024 -
Simon Thurston Headteacher - Beckley
Ex-officio by virtue of office as headteacher/principal
05/12/2024 -
Revd Liz Varley Foundation Ex-Officio Governor
Ex-officio foundation governor (appointed by foundation by virtue of the office they hold)
05/12/2024 -


Governors Who Have Stepped Down in the Past 12 Months

Name Post Appointed Ended Reason
Rhiannon Chillingworth Parent Governor 18/09/2022 04/12/2024 End of Term
Revd Dr Owen Edwards Foundation Ex-Officio Governor 26/04/2021 04/12/2024 End of Term
Ann-Marie Murphy LA Governor 24/09/2021 04/07/2024 Resigned
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