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The Genesis Federation

The Genesis Federation consists of Beckley Church of England Primary School,  Peasmarsh Church of England Primary School and St Michael’s Church of England Primary School, Playden. The federation has an overarching governing body and a Vision Statement.

Our Federation embraces the creation and development of ‘human flourishing’ through wisdom, hope, community and dignity. We nourish our community on a journey of spiritual, moral, physical, intellectual, emotional and social growth that helps everyone to fulfil their potential through the promises and love of God. We work in harmony to promote ‘”Life in all its fullness”.

What is a Governing Board?

A school's governing board is a legal entity known as a corporate body. It has a legal existence separate from that of its individual members.  The Governors are part of the senior leadership team but is NOT responsible for the day to day running of the school. Governors help define strategy, manage finances and robustly review pupil progress and safeguarding matters. They appoint headteachers and hold leaders to account and ensure that the school provides a good quality education and raises standards for all pupils. 

Who Can Become a Governor?

The governors are a team of local people who have volunteered for the role from all different backgrounds and experiences as well as representatives from the church and the school staff. Governors are in post for 4 years and are vital to the success of  the school. Governors come from all 'walks of life' and can offer different perspectives which will allow for forward thinking and drive school improvement.

We are often looking for new governors so if you are interested then please contact us on  clerk@thegenesisfederation.co.uk. All schools are different and each governing board is different and varied in size and experience.

What is the Role of a Governor?

Governors are responsible for strategic development including policy, budgeting and staffing. Being a school governor is a commitment to attending governing board meetings which consider issues such as setting the school vision, mitigating financial risk and scrutinising educational outcomes. They are also involved in the school community, acting as critical friends to the headteacher and senior leaders.

All governors attend training and have access to support packages in order to help them perform their role effectively.

The Governing Board

To meet our governing board and read about our governors please click on the 'Meet the Governors' tab.

To contact the governing board, please email the Chair chair@thegenesisfederation.co.uk or the Clerk clerk@thegenesisfederation.co.uk.

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