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Our Class Prayer

Dear Lord,

Thank you for my day,

I’ve worked hard and had some play.

As I go to sleep tonight,

Keep me safe till morning light.


Class Teacher - Mrs B King


                                                 Dear Butterfly Family,

                     Welcome to Term 3.  Our Learning Journeys this term will be based on                                                                 Journeys.

                            Our Over arching questions for our Learning Journeys are:

                                          WHY DO WE GO ON JOURNEYS?

                                             HOW HAS THE BICYCLE CHANGED?



             We will be using the following main texts to explore our questions:


Our value this term is Equality. This value will be incorpated into our curriculum. 

In RE this term, we  will be looking at 'Being Special - Whare do I Belong?'

'Please see the Knowledge Organisers below for this term's learning.

We also use a Heartsmart Resource at school. This term our theme is 'Too much selfie isn't healthy'- we work very hard to be 'heartsmart' .




Heartsmart is a culture-changing resource that is used throughout the whole school and leads out from our worship.

It is about building up character, emotional health and resilience founded in Christian love.                                             

EYFS Long-term Plan 2024-2025 and Knowledge Organisers

A Knowledge Organiser is a document to explain what we will be covering in class. This also enables you as parents to go over new vocabulary with your children and to discuss your child's learning with them at home.