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Our Peasmarsh Curriculum

Curriculum Subjects

At Peasmarsh Church of England Primary School we follow the National Curriculum. This can be found on the following link:


The subjects taught are : English, Maths, Science, Art and Design, Design Technology, Physical Education, Music, History, Geography, Computing and MFL. We also follow the East Sussex Agreed Syllabus for R.E and have a rich PSHE curriculum which includes Relationships and Health Education .

To find out more about each subject, click on the individual subject tabs.

Curriculum Intent Statement

Our overarching curriculum intent is build upon our school VIsion and Values. 

Curriculum Maps

Each class has a curriculum map which shows the different subjects taught throughout the year. Please click on the information below to see what the children learn in each class.

Butterflies Curriculum Map

Butterflies is our EYFS class where the reception children start their learning journey. 

Ladybirds Curriculum Map

Ladybirds class consists of pupils in Year 1 and Year 2 , known as KS1.

Butterflies Curriculum Map

Butterflies is our EYFS class where the reception children start their learning journey. 

Ladybirds Curriculum Map

Ladybirds class consists of pupils in Year 1 and Year 2 , known as KS1.

Bumblebees Curriculum Map

Bumblebees children are in Y3 and Y4, known as Lower Key Stage 1 (LSK2)

Dragonflies Curriculum Map

Dragonflies children are in Y5 and Y6, known as Upper Key Stage 2 (UKS2)

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