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Welcome to Ladybirds - Year 1/2 - Mrs Haydon

Ladybird display board

School values:

Love; Compassion; Equality; Forgiveness; Wisdom; Hope

Ladybirds' prayer

Thank you God for this fine day, all our work and all our play,
Thank you God for friends and fun and God bless everyone.

Learning Journey's 2024-2025

Term 1- Can I find my way to school?

Term 2- Would you go to the moon?

Term 3- How have toys changed over the decades?

Term 4- Can Humans fly?

Term 5- How does water bring life?

Term 6- What different habitats are there on planet Earth?

Knowledge Organisers- Term 1


Term 1- Get Heartsmart!

Term 2- Don't forget to let love in!

Term 3- Too much selfie, isn't healthy!

Term 4- Don't hold on to what's wrong!

Term 5- Fake is a mistake!

Term 6- No Way Through, isn’t true

Parent letter

Curriculum Map

Knowledge Organisers- Term 2

Ladybirds love their learning

Making Smoothies

RE- Hot Seating

KS1 Nativity

Zeraffa Giraffa Drama

Skateboarding- October 2024

Ready for PE

Christmas Craft Morning

Last Year's Learning

Well done to the year 2 winners of the Rye Rotary Club Christmas story writing competition!

Prize winners edited
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